Anchorage apologetics group to unpack transgenderism
Anchorage-based Wisdom Apologetics is hosting the third and final part of its “Candid Conversations on Gender & Sexuality” series on Wednesday, Aug 10. Organizer Chris Gonzalez said the series has seen a great response in the first two presentations,

Activists aim to use Fairbanks ‘climate plan’ to impose radical green agenda
A coalition of climate alarmists and critical race theory advocates are looking to use the still emerging Fairbanks North Star Borough’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan to impose contentious environmental plans on area residents. The Fairbanks Borough is

Alaskans join growing ranks in rejecting ‘invasive’ federal survey
A growing number of U.S. residents, including those in Alaska, are flat out refusing to participate in the American Community Survey, a federal project which asks specific and personal questions regarding sexual orientation, marital status, fertility history,

Catholic deacon: In backing abortion, Sen. Murkowski opposes Christ & his Church
Jesus taught in truth and lived out of love – period – because he is love. It is out of love and concern for the soul of U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, and those of the same mindset, that I write this column. Jesus was the most radical defender of

OPINION: Rep. McCabe says deceptive ‘tactics’ undermine fellow conservatives
Transparency in government is one of the most important values a legislator can have. And educating constituents and Alaskans on “how the sausage is made” would seem to be very important to that transparency. During the initial budget debates on HB281,

Sen. Shower: Why Alaskans should want a Citizen Legislature
I’m often asked how difficult it is working multiple jobs as a citizen legislator. No surprise, it’s challenging. Regardless of what some believe, for many legislators, serving as an elected official comes at significant personal cost. Lost

Alaska correctional officers forced to take training in LGBTQ activism
Last year, Alaska’s Department of Corrections (DOC) officers were ordered to take a two-hour mandatory course that instructs them on how to aggressively promote and disseminate radical LGBTQ social and political ideals across the DOC system. This past

Denali & Abortion? Popular outdoor center agrees to host abortion fundraiser
Abortion fundraisers are not typical for the Denali Education Center, a nonprofit that partners with Denali National Park and Preserve to promote outdoor education to youth and others. But on July 29, the center is letting radical abortion activists utilize

Bill Walker ‘very supportive’ of Murkowski – doesn’t regret cutting PFDs
In a July 26 radio interview on the Tom Anderson Show, former Alaska Gov. Bill Walker, who’s now attempting to reclaim the governor’s seat he lost in 2018, said supports U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and has no problem with the controversial new ranked-choice

Pro-life group wants Kenai Borough to be a sanctuary for the unborn
As part of a wider grassroots initiative, Alaska Right to Life is working to ensure that the Kenai Peninsula Borough is a safe haven for unborn Alaskans. Starting with Kenai, the group aims to bring city and borough level resolutions to local governing