Eagle River church vandalized again with phallic symbols
For the second time in six months, St. Andrew Catholic Church in Eagle River has suffered a vandalism attack. The night before Thanksgiving, a vandal spray painted nine large phallic symbols on the outside of the church. The images are nearly identical to

Homer author won’t be bullied by LGBTQ activist who wants her Christmas book cancelled
Homer resident and aspiring author, Maddy Veldstra, is feeling the ire of cancel culture after she dared to object to the Homer Library’s practice of planting controversial books that promote drag queens and transgenderism in the children’s section of the

Anchorage School Board Member: District must be held accountable, before seeking more money
The Anchorage School District, which has been mired in disastrous student educational outcomes over the past several years, should not ask state lawmakers for increased state funding without first being willing to demonstrate accountability for the millions

ANALYSIS: Is Juneau running out of diesel?
(ErikN Publications) – On October 27, 2022, Tucker Carlson announced to the nation that we are running short of diesel, with a mere 25 days of diesel inventory remaining. He was following up on a question that was posed to John Kirby, President

Formerly pro-life Bill Walker gets ‘full endorsement’ from radical pro-abortion group
Former Alaska Gov. Bill Walker, who for years claimed to be pro-life, has now finished his evolution into a radically pro-abortion candidate. Walker, who’s vying to become Alaska’s governor again, has gradually distanced himself from any meaningful

The looming ‘brave new world’ can still be redeemed with prayer, penance, sacrifice
Nations and cultures that have become communist never win over “the hearts and minds” of the vast majority of the people. No amount of incessant propaganda can do it. The hoi polloi learn, sooner or later, how to read between the lines and lies. Clever,

Pro-life students visit thousands of Fairbanks homes to expose pro-abort Murkowski
By LAUREN MARLOWE – (Students for Life) There’s nothing pro-life about Senator Lisa Murkowski’s (R-AK) voting record as noted by the Pro-Life Generation during a recent activism trip last month. Murkowski is running for re–election to the U.S.

Lt. Gov. candidate Edie Grunwald quits Charlie Pierce ticket, now backs Dunleavy
Edie Grunwald, who is listed as the lieutenant governor candidate on the Charlie Pierce for governor ticket, has dropped out of the race. The former borough mayor of Kenai, Pierce is facing a lawsuit from a former borough employee that accuses him of sexual

Anchorage health teacher tries to get parents’ OK to teach kids gender identity
Mears Middle School, a 7th-8th grade school in Anchorage, will be rolling out its new health class at the end of this month that features sections on “gender identity,” abortion, masturbation and details of how to use condoms and other forms of

GOING ‘GREEN’? Fairbanks weighs switching borough fleet to questionable electric vehicles
Despite mounting reports that new electronic vehicles perform poorly and may actually cause greater overall damage to the environment than gas automobiles, the Fairbanks Borough Assembly may soon begin replacing its existing fleet with electronic vehicles. A