Rainbow wave reached Alaska as national LGBTQ strategy evolves
With the midterm ballot tabulations finally winding down, it’s clear that the LGBTQ political and cultural strategy has entered a new phase both in Alaska and across America. Increasingly, candidates are being elected to public office who openly identify as

Concerned Conservatives of Alaska set to launch Nov. 19
A volunteer association of conservative-minded Alaskans will hold its inaugural meeting later this week with an aim of harnessing grass-roots energy to tackle critical issues facing Alaska. Concerned Conservatives of Alaska has its first meeting on Nov. 19 at

These prominent Alaskans want a statewide constitutional convention
ConventionYes, the main political group supporting a statewide constitutional convention, has released a list of prominent and diverse Alaskans who all support calling the state’s first convention since statehood. Released on Nov. 6, the list of convention

AK Constitutional Convention Debate: Round 2 of Bob Bird vs. John Coghill
For those who missed the first Alaska Constitutional Convention debate between Bob Bird and John Coghill, the two longtime political movers will lock rhetorical horns again on Oct. 27 for a live, on-air debate on The Talk of the Kenai radio show, which can be

Who are Alaska’s Good Guys & Bad Guys when it comes to a full PFD?
Let’s get it right this time in dealing with the Alaska Permanent Fund and its Dividend. First the calculation that worked for over 30 years was earnings based. In other words, how much did the Fund earn over the last five years, less the inflation

Deceptive ads against Alaska constitutional convention aim to trick conservatives
Have you noticed the avalanche of “Vote No/Defend Our Constitution” commercials? Who’s paying for them? Who’s promoting them? In watching these ads, you see scripted “typical citizens” wearing hard hats. This is a classic visual ploy to reach the

Hard leftist billionaire gives $15M to advance Mat-Su Health Foundation ‘equity’ agenda
MacKenzie Scott, the former wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has donated $15 million to the Mat-Su Health Foundation to help further its controversial equity agenda in the Mat-Su. Scott is one of the wealthiest women in the world, and an avid donor to

Big Abortion wants Alaska to send these hard-left pro-abort candidates to DC & Juneau
The largest abortion business in Alaska – Planned Parenthood – has issued endorsements for the upcoming Nov. 8 general election with the aim of sending the most radical pro-abortion candidates to D.C. and Juneau. Planned Parenthood supports state and

Murkowski panders to hard leftists in Oct. 2 interview
On Sunday, Sen. Lisa Murkowski sat down with one of the most liberal activist groups in Anchorage to share her vision for Alaska and the nation. Given just a month before the Nov. 8 midterms, the interview was clearly intended to reach out to Democratic and

Sarah Palin ‘honored’ to get backing from nation’s largest LGBTQ Republican activist group
Sarah Palin, who is running for U.S. House in the Nov. 8 election, just Tweeted out that she has been endorsed by the Log Cabin Republicans, which claims to be the nation’s oldest and largest group of LGBT Republican activists. “I am honored to have