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Juneau boasts of 100% score on LGBTQ wokeness index

The City and Borough of Juneau is celebrating its perfect 100% score in a national survey that ranks cities across the U.S. on how militantly they push the LGBTQ political and cultural agenda in law, policy and local activism. For the second straight year,

How will you respond to a loved one’s LGBTQ gender identity?

Editor’s note: The following column explores a hypothetical conversation about LGBTQ gender identity, which is an issue many families grapple with today. Rebecca, a young American in her late 20s, seemed restless today. She anxiously wandered around the

Rainbow wave reached Alaska as national LGBTQ strategy evolves

With the midterm ballot tabulations finally winding down, it’s clear that the LGBTQ political and cultural strategy has entered a new phase both in Alaska and across America. Increasingly, candidates are being elected to public office who openly identify as