ACLU teams up with Anchorage pot shop to sponsor ‘kid friendly’ LGBTQ drag show
In yet another attempt to mainstream LGBTQ drag queen dancers among young children, the ACLU of Alaska is sponsoring “Drag Loteria.” A notice for the March 24 event at Cafecito Bonito says it aims to inspire “activism and diversity to Anchorage’s

School Board silences Anchorage dad for objecting to anal sex book in student libraries
The Anchorage School District has no business giving minor children books that tell them how to have anal sex and create their own online porn. This is the message that concerned father and local educational advocate, Jay McDonald, tried to relay to the

Alaska voters to rally outside courthouse on Oct. 25 in support of Rep. Eastman
A group of concerned Alaskan voters plan to peacefully rally outside Anchorage’s Nesbett Courthouse (825 W. 4th Ave.) on Tuesday, Oct. 25, to protest the ongoing attempt to disqualify State Rep. David Eastman (R-Wasilla) from being able to hold public

Cumbersome laws, high min-wage stifle new business in Alaska
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum Because startup companies play a major role in driving the economy, discouragement of new business creation has a ripple effect on the rest of Alaska’s market. Startups create most net new jobs and encourage

OPINION: Violation of Grand Jury rights poses constitutional crisis for Alaska
Article 1, Section 8 of the Alaska Constitution states: “The power of grand juries to investigate and make recommendations concerning the public welfare or safety shall never be suspended.” Most Alaskans would never believe that our judicial

Pro-life party to coincide with May 31 closure of Soldotna abortion clinic
On Tuesday, May 31, pro-life Alaskans will hold an unprecedented celebration outside of the Planned Parenthood clinic in Soldotna, where workers at the longtime abortion company will close the doors for good at 5 p.m. One hour before the clinic shutters

Do you trust Alaska politics anymore?
If there is no trust, we cannot function as a society. Do you trust your doctor’s mainstream medicine advice anymore? Do you trust the mainstream educational agenda? Do you trust the mainstream military leadership? Do you trust your mainstream religious

Fairbanks teachers want 12-year-olds exposed to explicit sex-ed videos
With school board elections now behind them, the left-leaning majority of the Fairbanks North Star School Board heard a request from the school district to approve highly explicit sex education videos and graphic materials for grades 6-12. The Oct. 19 school

It’s past time for Alaskans to fight the sexual manipulation of young minds
Thinking back during childhood, what memories come to mind? Perhaps flashes of bike riding, competing in a favorite sport or playing tag with friends. Growing up in rural Alaska, some of my first memories are of four-wheeler riding with my older brother

Stephanie Taylor: Dave Bronson embodies the best of Anchorage and I back him for mayor
This afternoon, I pulled on my rubber boots, grabbed a stack of brochures, and headed out to knock on doors for the Dave Bronson for Mayor campaign. I’ve done a little canvasing and phone banking for campaigns in the past and would be lying if I said