OPINION: Mead Treadwell backs Mike Robbins as the ‘no-drama’ mayor Anchorage needs
Voting is underway for Anchorage mayor and school board members, and by mid-summer Anchorage will have a new mayor. I’m supporting Mike Robbins. Mike knows the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Too many sideshows have occupied our

Prof. Haycox makes a mockery of states’ rights in Alaska – it’s time for a public debate
I grow weary of “The Court Historian of the Anchorage Daily News,” Prof. Stephen Haycox. Alaskans have observed his Leftism spewing forth with unlimited and unchallenged regularity. The damage done through his columns and books is incalculable, serving

OPINION: Elections Still Matter
This past week has been traumatic. Last Wednesday protestors forcefully entered the United States Capitol building and occupied offices and the chambers in an illegal act of defiance over the 2020 presidential elections. These people were not terrorists, they

Palmer mask mandate defeated after overwhelming public outcry
After listening to 20 hours of public testimony from more than 700 Mat-Su residents over a three day period, the Palmer City Council voted down a citywide mask mandate, 4-3, on Dec. 4. Nearly 70% of comments – both in-person and written – opposed the idea

Palmer mayor welcomes more public comment on controversial mask mandate proposal
If last week’s Palmer City Council meeting is any indication, local residents have strong opinions over a proposed citywide mask mandate. While the in-person public comment period concluded after nearly three hours on Nov. 18, Palmer Mayor Edna DeVries

Public safety officers: Justice Carney is ‘tone deaf’ to Alaska’s domestic violence crisis
Editor’s note: The following op-ed was written by two long-time Alaska State Troopers, a former U.S. marshal and head of the State Troopers, and 25-year veteran of the Alaska Department of Corrections. Their names appear at the end of this article. Susan

OPINION: Alaska Right to Life’s ‘all or nothing approach’ is ineffective
Editor’s note: In an effort to help clarify the ongoing disagreement about the direction of the pro-life movement in Alaska, we asked Jim Minnery, of Alaska Family Action, and Pat Martin, of Alaska Right to Life, to explain why their organizations are at

8.14 > Public Indoctrination
There was a time when professional teaching practices meant that teachers had to keep their private, personal political views and opinions exactly that: private. Those days are over in Fairbanks. Here we unpack the social engineering that is taking place in

OPINION: Of Hoaxes – both innocent and nefarious
As a boy I enjoyed a good hoax. The best one involved thawing out frozen game fish we had kept from a northwoods vacation, putting them on a stringer and then going down to our muddy, carp-infested prairie lake, sitting on the dock and announcing, “Boy are

OPINION: Closing our churches reveals a ‘sanitary dictatorship’
Alaska’s pot stores and abortion clinics remain open, but our churches are closed. While we are told that we can’t risk spreading this disease with more than 10 people in a room, this apparently doesn’t apply to getting high or pulling unborn children