Medical groups urge feds to prosecute those who criticize transgender procedures on youth
In an Oct. 3 letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, three of the leading U.S. medical associations are demanding that the U.S. Department of Justice investigate “organizations, individuals and entities” that openly oppose transgender surgeries
Hard leftist billionaire gives $15M to advance Mat-Su Health Foundation ‘equity’ agenda
MacKenzie Scott, the former wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has donated $15 million to the Mat-Su Health Foundation to help further its controversial equity agenda in the Mat-Su. Scott is one of the wealthiest women in the world, and an avid donor to
State report: Marijuana will increasingly define Alaska agriculture
While cabbage, potatoes and other traditional vegetables have long been the celebrated mainstays of Alaska agriculture, marijuana may soon overtake them all. According to a new report from the Alaska Department of Labor, agriculture was one of the few
Alaskans are no longer getting jabbed or boosted for Covid
There appears to be little to no appetite among Alaskans to continue the seemingly endless practice of vaxing or boosting with experimental Covid shots. A comparison of statewide data from the end of August to the end of September reveals that almost no
Alaska releases data on excess hospitalizations & emergency visits since Covid
Alaska has just released data on excess hospitalizations and emergency department visits since Covid hit the state. The new report shows an overall decrease post-Covid, but an increase in visits associated with chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, aneurysms,
THE FACTS: Alaska Covid Alliance unpacks medical and policy failures since 2020
Editor’s note: The following column was written on behalf of Alaska Covid Alliance. It’s hard to believe how long we have been under this siege. Two and a half years with no end in sight. Have we “flattened the curve” yet? Reflecting on this
Alaska health officials say parents hinder their ability to get LGBTQ sex info on teens
A few weeks after agreeing not to ask Alaska teens controversial questions about their gender identity and sexual orientation, some of Alaska’s leading health officials and state partners are now brainstorming ways to uncover this information without
Video: Woman shares story of getting cross-sex surgery before de-transitioning to be a mom
While a growing number of health providers in Alaska and around the nation now actively encourage gender confused patients to take powerful cross-sex hormones or undergo irreversible surgeries in order to appear as the opposite sex, a newly released video
Direct Primary Care can empower patients & cut Alaska’s health care costs
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum Alaska consistently suffers from the highest health care spending per capita of any state. Multiple factors contribute to this problem, but easing Alaska’s restrictions on direct primary
Women’s group gives Murkowski an “F” on issues that matter most to U.S. moms
A national parental rights advocacy group, composed of mothers from across the nation, has given Alaska’s U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski a failing grade when it comes to supporting key issues that are important to American moms. Moms for America, which claims to