Second Fairbanks middle school sparks controversy over LGBTQ offerings
After it was discovered that Fairbanks’ Randy Smith Middle School was preparing to launch an explicitly LGBTQ “explorations” class for 6th-8th grade students during academic instruction time, the school quickly changed the description of the class and
Fairbanks middle school website directs students to explore LGBTQ sexuality
Ryan Middle School in Fairbanks is using public resources to encourage youth to question and explore their sexual orientation, gender identity and how to engage in various sexual acts, while directing kids with sexual questions to speak confidentially to
Man up for Life
Prolife prayer vigils are often dominated by the presence of dedicated and deeply committed women sharing hope and alternatives with mothers who feel trapped into no other option having their unborn babies killed at an abortion center. With acts of violence,
OPINION: Constitutional Convention question pits NEA vs. People of Alaska
You’ve seen and heard and read the stories. America’s government-run, public schools have been overtaken by leftist ideologues intent on indoctrinating our youth with Marxism, critical race theory, pornographic LGBTQIA curriculum and hatred for
Big Abortion wants Alaska to send these hard-left pro-abort candidates to DC & Juneau
The largest abortion business in Alaska – Planned Parenthood – has issued endorsements for the upcoming Nov. 8 general election with the aim of sending the most radical pro-abortion candidates to D.C. and Juneau. Planned Parenthood supports state and
Fairbanks voter guide highlights candidates committed to defending conservative values
In the lead up to the Oct. 4 elections in Fairbanks, Alaska Family Action has released its “Values Voter Guide” to help identify candidates who support traditional family values. The guide covers races for Fairbanks City mayor, Fairbanks City Council,
Alaska health officials say parents hinder their ability to get LGBTQ sex info on teens
A few weeks after agreeing not to ask Alaska teens controversial questions about their gender identity and sexual orientation, some of Alaska’s leading health officials and state partners are now brainstorming ways to uncover this information without
OPINION: How Fairbanks Christians can vote to defend traditional values
GUEST COLUMN BY JON & RUTH EWIG Whether we have young children or teens in homeschool, private or public school we need to fulfill our duty as American citizens to participate in voting at the local community as well as state and national levels.
Women’s group gives Murkowski an “F” on issues that matter most to U.S. moms
A national parental rights advocacy group, composed of mothers from across the nation, has given Alaska’s U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski a failing grade when it comes to supporting key issues that are important to American moms. Moms for America, which claims to
Murkowski seen as critical in Democratic plan to codify gay marriage after midterms
While the U.S. Senate Democrats have agreed to delay voting on a bill that seeks to codify the mandatory recognition of same-sex “marriage” across the nation, all eyes are on left-of-center Republicans like Sen. Lisa Murkowski. The so called “Respect