
News and Stories that affect children, family rights, parenting and the well being of Alaskan families.

Rise Up for Children

7.22 > Rise Up for Children July 30th

Here in the Mat-Su most of us live in a comfortable bubble. You might hear about awful things happening once in awhile but in a borough the size of the state of West Virginia, and a state more than twice the size of Texas, there’s so much that goes

7.11 > Our Leftist Training Grounds

We cannot ignore the fact that Alaska’s government schools are overrun by entrenched bureaucrats bent on using their immense power to indoctrinate our kids with far-left political propaganda. Just recently we reported that 13 Alaska teachers signed an open
Fatherhood Commentary Image

6.17 > On Fatherhood

America is home to nearly 120 million adult men. They come from every conceivable background. In large part, they construct our roads, build our cities, fight fires and enforce the laws of the land. They work in business, law, education and the halls of