UPDATE: Eagle River push to break from Anchorage continues on
Our summer is ending with fireweed signaling to us that fall is in the air. I want to thank all our volunteers for their hard work at the Bear Paw festival and the parades this summer. Without our volunteers, our effort to govern our own communities would
American Leftism: Is the nation losing its mind?
When I arrived in the United States on February of 1978 as a political refugee from a socialist country, I never thought that America would attempt to destroy itself from within with the radical neo-Marxist ideology (i.e., critical race theory, white
Exposing the false dichotomy between faith and government
Those who shout loudest about “separation of church and state” are doing it in the exact opposite spirit that the term’s originator once did. Thomas Jefferson was out to protect the church from the state, not the other way around. For good reason, the
THE FACTS: Alaska Covid Alliance unpacks medical and policy failures since 2020
Editor’s note: The following column was written on behalf of Alaska Covid Alliance. It’s hard to believe how long we have been under this siege. Two and a half years with no end in sight. Have we “flattened the curve” yet? Reflecting on this
Rep. David Eastman: The Left’s push to outlaw loyalty to the Constitution
In a day when professional athletes are encouraged not to stand for the national anthem, and pundits declare that Americans everywhere should feel ashamed of America and her founding, I suppose it is but a small step to next attack the Constitution
Judge set to decide whether Rep. Eastman can appear on Nov. 8 ballot
By Thursday morning, Anchorage Superior Court Judge Jack McKenna will decide whether conservative State Rep. David Eastman (R-Wasilla) will be allowed to appear on the Nov. 8 ballot. In a Sept. 20 hearing, Eastman’s attorney – former U.S. Senate candidate
Alaska lawyers event to unpack state election changes & the ongoing role of dark money
Has Ballot Measure 2 allowed Alaskan voters to express their true preferences without fear of accidentally helping other candidates? Has it ended the secret influence of dark money? When will we learn how BM2 aligns with the Alaska Constitution and
Direct Primary Care can empower patients & cut Alaska’s health care costs
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum Alaska consistently suffers from the highest health care spending per capita of any state. Multiple factors contribute to this problem, but easing Alaska’s restrictions on direct primary
Watchdog group tells Alaska teachers how to quit their union
The national project, Opt Out Today, has laid out exactly how Alaskan teachers can leave their local chapter of the National Education Association (NEA) union. Opt Out Today is a project of the Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to
Women’s group gives Murkowski an “F” on issues that matter most to U.S. moms
A national parental rights advocacy group, composed of mothers from across the nation, has given Alaska’s U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski a failing grade when it comes to supporting key issues that are important to American moms. Moms for America, which claims to