Search Results for: Dl with

12.3 > Profits over People is bad policy

You can hardly turn on the news, or read anything anymore without the dysfunction of society and its corresponding absurdity on display. It was reported for example that even though they are one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, Germany,

Unshakable hope in a darkening world

Sunday marked the beginning of the age-old season of Advent. For the next four weeks leading up to Christmas, more than a billion Christians across numerous denominations are recalling that two millennia ago a weary world once longed for a Savior in an age

11.25 > An Attitude of Gratitude

If you watch the news, or listen to it, or read it with any amount of discernment, you will notice if there is one thing missing in the world, above all else, it is gratitude. While we raise the lamp and stand up for conservative principles and the powerful