Alaska LGBTQ youth program enables breast removal of gender confused female
An Anchorage non-profit which targets LGBTQ homeless youth is helping to facilitate an irreversible double mastectomy on a gender confused young woman. Choosing Our Roots launched in 2019 with a focus on providing shelter for queer and transgender identifying

School choice advocate urges Alaskans to vote for statewide constitutional convention
Leigh Slone, the founder of Brave Nation and a leading voice for parental rights and school choice in Alaska, is urging her followers to vote for a constitutional convention in order to change the way Alaska chooses judges while opening the door for greater

Why Alaska’s teachers union fears a constitutional convention
Alaska’s government funded education has enjoyed a long ride with very little competition from private schools. The results have proven disastrous with most Alaska children now considered below proficient in basic reading and math. Despite pumping

Non-partisan? Alaska teachers union endorses mostly hard left Democrats
NEA-Alaska, the powerful teachers union that represents the vast majority of public school educators across Alaska, has issued a heavily partisan endorsement guide that fails to include even one known conservative Republican candidate for the Alaska

The ‘Volkmer Effect’ on Alaska’s lone U.S. House seat
(EricN Publications) – Who is Harold Volkmer and why should it matter to Alaskans? This past August, in a special election completed through a new ranked voting system, a Democrat was elected to be our representative in Washington. This, in a state,

Rep. Eastman supporters pack Anchorage courtroom as lawmaker fights attempt to ban him from public office
Roughly 50 people packed a standing room only Anchorage courtroom on Oct. 25 in a show of support for Wasilla State Rep. David Eastman. Another 10 people stood outside during a preliminary hearing in a case that seeks to disqualify the three-term state

Alaska voters to rally outside courthouse on Oct. 25 in support of Rep. Eastman
A group of concerned Alaskan voters plan to peacefully rally outside Anchorage’s Nesbett Courthouse (825 W. 4th Ave.) on Tuesday, Oct. 25, to protest the ongoing attempt to disqualify State Rep. David Eastman (R-Wasilla) from being able to hold public

Priest urges Alaska Christians to boldly bring faith into the public square on Nov. 8th
Father Frank Pavone, founder of the national Priests for Life organization is once again weighing in on Alaska’s upcoming midterm elections. In August Pavone wrote a column for the Watchman in which he urged pro-life and Catholic voters in Alaska to vote

Who are Alaska’s Good Guys & Bad Guys when it comes to a full PFD?
Let’s get it right this time in dealing with the Alaska Permanent Fund and its Dividend. First the calculation that worked for over 30 years was earnings based. In other words, how much did the Fund earn over the last five years, less the inflation

Dr. Zink wants massive surveillance, admits officials made Covid policy ‘without the data’
Dr. Anne Zink is a formidable and controversial player when it comes to directing public healthcare policy both in Alaska and across the nation. As Alaska’s chief medical officer, she has enthusiastically and relentlessly pushed pro-Covid jab messaging.