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The specter of Catholic schism should trouble us all

One need not be a Catholic to understand that the world’s largest religion is in crisis – like just about every other institution from medicine, education, government, unions, political parties, private organizations, etc. Whether you love, hate or are

Former Anchorage strip club transformed into a house of God

Patrons of the old Fantasies on Fifth strip joint in Anchorage probably never imagined that their den of iniquity would one day be transformed into a house of God. The story of how that happened involves an inspired Vietnamese woman, a real estate agent

Alaska pro-lifers face challenges ahead – let’s lean in

With little fanfare, the Alaska State House recently provided an interesting glimpse into where the prolife movement stands in the Great Land and beyond. During a discussion on how to allot some $2 trillion in federal funding to Alaska from the CARES Act and

Alaskans report two more post COVID vaccine deaths to CDC

Two additional Alaska deaths were reported to the CDC VAERS website which tracks adverse reactions to COVID vaccinations. This brings the total number of deaths reported from Alaska to 10. The recent deaths included a 70-year-old man who received a Moderna