
How the Left hijacks language and recycles old heresies

Satan and his obedient minions are liars, thieves but, while far more intelligent than humanity, not very original thinkers. G.K. Chesterton said, “Hypocrisy is the tribute that evil pays to good.” Therefore, they must make their evil appear as something

True patriotism need not whitewash the past

Today, millions of Americans pay tribute to the soldiers who died defending our nation. Given that so many forces now seek to undermine American patriotism and demonize our nation’s past, it is good to recall C.S. Lewis’ reflections on genuine love of

Fairbanks to mark Memorial Day with planting of the poppies

On Monday, May 30, Fairbanks residents will honor the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. At 11 a.m., residents will gather at Pioneer Park (2300 Airport Way) for the annual “Planting of the Poppies.”