OPINION: Rep. McCabe says Mat-Su road warrior misleads public to advance anti-conservative agenda
In a February 2022 op-ed in the Frontiersman, Mark Kelsey, a former publisher of the Frontiersman, insinuated I was doing something wrong advocating for a road I live on; making the leap that, as a legislator, I was exerting undue influence to get this road
ANALYSIS: Is Juneau running out of diesel?
(ErikN Publications) – On October 27, 2022, Tucker Carlson announced to the nation that we are running short of diesel, with a mere 25 days of diesel inventory remaining. He was following up on a question that was posed to John Kirby, President
Report: Alaska school districts need to improve transparency
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum The Heritage Foundation recently released its inaugural Education Freedom Report Card for the U.S. Alaska ranked 45th in the nation and ranks in the bottom ten states for a lack of conventional school
Gloves off: Alaska conservatives must be unapologetic on hot button issues
We’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating. Conservative candidates – especially in local races for school board, city councils, assembly seats and the Alaska Legislature – must get over the fear of unapologetically declaring where they stand
Grappling with Alaska’s election results
While a “Red Wave” didn’t wash across Alaska in 2022, the project of renewing and restoring our religious, cultural and familial traditions must continue. We’ve learned a lot in this election cycle. We know that the 2020 ranked-choice ballot
Why the duty to Vote is nonnegotiable
Like all rights – be they parental, religious or civic – the right to vote comes with a fundamental responsibility to discharge one’s duty faithfully. For all Alaskans who are physically and mentally able, voting is not merely one option among
FACT CHECK: AK Beacon won’t admit that homeschool growth has districts reeling
Last month, the Alaska Beacon published a long article about the financial woes impacting several large school districts across the state. The writers noted that Fairbanks and Anchorage are closing schools and laying off teachers due to massive budget
CRAIG CAMPBELL: The top 2 reasons to vote ‘YES’ on 1
The State of Alaska Division of Elections sent to Alaskans, and posted on the state website, the Official Election Pamphlet for the Nov. 8th election to provide an impartial, objective presentation of candidates and initiatives. This year the pamphlet failed
Rep. Eastman: The Left aims to silence those who oppose their shifting ideological whims
The plan for those who don’t subscribe to the ever-changing ideological orthodoxy of the Left hasn’t changed much since the days of Lenin. To dissent from its core dogmas is to lose your place in society. And because that orthodoxy is ever evolving, no
Sen. Hughes: Alaska’s Constitutional Convention Question is truly David vs. Goliath
Alaskans, I respectfully implore you to recognize that the flood of paid advertisements you’ve been hearing about a state constitutional convention may not be the whole story – and dare I say it is “spinning” the story to protect the power and wealth