
Opinion Pieces from the various perspectives of our contributors.

In defense of the Electoral College – Part 1

When the U.S. Constitution was formulated in 1787, the choosing of a president was meant to be outside of the vagaries of popular sentiments, and placed rather in the hands of experienced, mature and proven “elder statesmen” that would be chosen by the

Liberal Alaska politicians dodge party labels to sow confusion

It’s become fashionable these days for left-leaning liberal Alaskan politicians to try and cast themselves as nonpartisan, unaffiliated or independent – anything to get away from the dreaded “Democratic” label. If you think about it, this makes sense

Abortion is the paramount political issue

“The future of Alaska is at stake!” “The future of America is at stake!” Liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, moderates, radicals, pastors, priests all say this. Every election cycle we hear dire pronouncements over the Permanent Fund

The ‘equity’ police are really after political power

Both in Alaska and around the country we hear a lot these days about the quest for “equity” in city council meetings, ordinances, proclamations and protest marches. Certain elected officials in Anchorage, Juneau and Fairbanks have jumped on the equity