Walgreens, CVS plan to sell chemical abortion drugs that kill millions of babies
Two of the largest national pharmacy chains, Walgreens and CVS, have announced plans to begin offering abortion pills, after President Biden’s administration decided this week to let companies sell the deadly drug, mifepristone. Previously, mifepristone –

EDITORIAL: Live without the odor of apology
We are past the point here in Alaska and across the nation where God fearing, freedom loving citizens must firmly resolve to speak and act in accord with perennial truths, and do so without the odor of apology. This goes for parents, students,

How Anchorage’s bicycle-walking committee quietly advances radical environmentalism
Environmental radicalism doesn’t need to be abrupt or physically confrontational in order to be radical. Take the supposed climate change threat for example. As the New York Post highlights, the United Nations regularly warns the world about the need

National 2A group decries Murkowski and GOP senators for anti-gun vote
A national gun rights organization is denouncing U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and 17 other GOP senators who voted with Democrats to pass last month’s $1.7 trillion dollar government funding bill, which is riddled with gun control initiatives, including $11

Big, woke ambitions for the Anchorage Assembly’s new Equity Committee
From the name, many may incorrectly presume this committee shares the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, where people are judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Similarly, many may also assume the committee shares the

In a world at war, we must fight for the truth
The blatant lies of the mainstream media in setting the table for our cultural discourse is always in plain sight. Thus, we find snide references inserting a bias in all sorts of stories. It is so insidious and subtle that even if we notice it, we brush it

Alaska’s excessive regulations hurt students, parents, teachers, schools
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum The Heritage Foundation recently released its inaugural Education Freedom Report Card for the U.S. states and Washington, D.C. Alaska ranked 45th in the nation

Should Anchorage students get to skip school for ‘mental health’ holidays?
Allowing students to skip school when they feel the need for a mental health holiday is an emerging trend across a number of states throughout the country. The idea is to let kids forgo schooling in order to rest and recreate if they feel stressed out,

Equity Committee plans to undermine unwanted speech at Anchorage Assembly meetings
Powerful and well-connected left-leaning activists, who comprise the newly formed Anchorage Equity Committee, are formalizing a strategy to root out what they deem to be unwanted “hate” speech, so-called “systemic racism” and other social or

Alaska’s rising education expenses fueled by benefits and a growing administrative apparatus
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum The Reason Foundation recently published the 2022 K–12 education spending spotlight examining school finance trends from 2002 to 2020. The Alaska data points, calculated by the U.S. Census Bureau, show