Search Results for: Dl with

Juneau Alaska

ANALYSIS: Is Juneau running out of diesel?

(ErikN Publications) – On October 27, 2022, Tucker Carlson announced to the nation that we are running short of diesel, with a mere 25 days of diesel inventory remaining. He was following up on a question that was posed to John Kirby, President

Grappling with Alaska’s election results

While a “Red Wave” didn’t wash across Alaska in 2022, the project of renewing and restoring our religious, cultural and familial traditions must continue. We’ve learned a lot in this election cycle. We know that the 2020 ranked-choice ballot

Shelley Hughes Torpedoes the Narrative

Watch this video and you will learn the truth about the lies you are hearing on the mainstream news. Props to Red Handed Productions for excellent production on a tight