Pope Francis taps pro-life, pro-family Fairbanks Bishop for Minn. post
Pope Francis tapped Fairbanks Bishop Chad Zielinski, 57, to serve as the new bishop of the New Ulm Diocese in Minnesota. The announcement was made June 12, and will take effect on Sept. 27. Since Nov. 8, 2014, Zielinski has served as the Fairbanks bishop

Cheers to Fairbanks for making Independence Day Parade a ‘great success’
Editor’s note: In 2021, for the first time in more than half a century, Fairbanks held a bonified Independence Day parade, which was organized and funded through a grassroots, community effort. I just wanted to give a huge thank you to Fairbanks for

‘Underground Pride’ at Palmer fairgrounds to include ‘all ages’ drag shows
While the Mat-Su has yet to host a controversial Drag Queen Story Hour at a local library or have a public gay Pride festival, Transgender and homosexual activists are quietly gaining a foothold in one of Alaska’s most socially and politically

Anti-American, pro-abortion rally spills into streets of downtown Palmer
A group of about 50 pro-abortion activists gathered in downtown Palmer to scream anti-American and anti-Supreme Court slogans for a couple of hours on July 2. Protesters, including transgender and LGBTQ activists, voiced outrage at the U.S. Supreme Court’s

Supreme Court affirms high school coach’s right to pray on field
In a 6-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that high school football coach Joseph Kennedy has a constitutional right to privately pray on the football field without being fired by the school district. Kennedy’s employment at Bremerton School District

The morphing of the pro-life movement
“We are in a real war, with real blood being shed, real lives being lost, a true genocide in our midst.” “This is a war, a bloody war, for the soul of our country.” “We fight not only in the temporal world, but the Powers, Thrones, Dominions and

Still no word on whether Supreme Court will reverse Roe v. Wade
The U.S. Supreme Court issued a new round of rulings on June 13, but no final decision has come on whether it will overturn Roe v. Wade and allow each state to restrict or ban abortions as they see fit. A large police force was gathered outside the court on

Tonight’s Mat-Su Health Foundation membership meeting may be contentious
The Mat-Su Health Foundation, one of the most powerful and well-funded organizations in the Mat-Su, will hold its annual membership meeting tonight, June 13. It will be a chance for members to address some heated controversies that have come to light in

OPINION: Many online games lead kids toward sexualization and the occult
During the quarantine time, many kids started to play online video games. We had personal experience with this ourselves and so my oldest daughter and I did some research, engaged in some of these games, and talked with people who played them. I felt I

16-year staffer & senior volunteer defend besieged Anchorage library head
For years, the Anchorage library system was run by radical hard-leftist administrators who utilized the public library to promote drag queen story hour for children, critical race theory book clubs, LGBTQ Pride Month celebrations and highly sexualized books