Contraception and Abortion are intimately linked – here’s how
Very few Catholics – and even fewer non-Catholic Christians – have understood the link between abortion and contraception. In fact, quite the opposite conventional wisdom exists: “As everyone knows, more contraception will lead to fewer abortions.”

Abortion is the paramount political issue
“The future of Alaska is at stake!” “The future of America is at stake!” Liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, moderates, radicals, pastors, priests all say this. Every election cycle we hear dire pronouncements over the Permanent Fund

Languages reflect our nature as being male and female
The destruction of the arts and beauty seen in the degradation of post-modern culture is also manifested in languages. Each language is a mystery. Any analysis of them shows marvelous nuances, lyrical phonetics, unexpected exceptions and poetic words unique

Confusing art bespeaks of a meaningless existence
In today’s degenerating western culture, all that is beautiful is being destroyed. This is not an accident of human emotion but is the culmination of a process that began when? At the fall of Adam? The Hebrew captivity to Babylon? The fracturing of

The bizarre inconsistency of our Catholic bishops
In these days of Alphabet Madness (COVID, LGBTQ, BLM, CHAZ), many Catholic bishops of the Western world fall lockstep into bizarre inconsistencies. Despite their oft-displayed role as shepherds with their mitre-and-crook and ceremonial affairs, many often

Despite public defiance, Berkowitz set to mandate masks across Anchorage
After the Anchorage Assembly twice refused to order residents to wear masks, Mayor Ethan Berkowitz has decided to take matters into his own hands and use his ongoing emergency powers to demand mask wearing across the municipality. “There is disregard for

Beware of those who twist constitutions to advance even a good cause
Properly understanding constitutions and charters is not hard. They are kept simple because the people ought to be able to comprehend them and, at least in a virtuous culture, sound the alarm if and when they might be violated. The trouble is we have

Why a morally imperfect president still has my vote
“The fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, but they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.” (Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, 1971). This rule is

Fundamental liberties in the face of mandatory vaccinations
You may have seen a recent interview with Alan Dershowitz – a Harvard Law School emeritus professor – stating that government has the right to forcibly vaccinate citizens in order to stop the spread of a disease and protect public safety. This, he claims,

Is the Republican Party a pro-life champion?
In 1980 Ronald Reagan got my vote and that of many Alaskans because he was pro-life. His sweeping victory had Democrats, feminists and abortionists figuring it was all over for them. Reagan Democrats were essentially pro-life anti-communists. Both enemies and