AK Democrats get staunch pro-abortion candidate to challenge Murkowski
Mat-Su Democrat, Pat Chesbro, has thrown her hat in the ring to challenge Sen. Lisa Murkowski for the U.S. Senate. Chesbro is staunchly pro-abortion, and used her May 11 campaign announcement to specifically highlight the issue, saying she will fight for a

Sen. Murkowski’s abortion conundrum continues to haunt her
Since taking office as a U.S. Senator from Alaska in 2002, Lisa Murkowski has attempted to walk a 20-year, precarious and ever-changing line regarding the killing of unborn babies through abortion. From the beginning, she has supported the practice, but with

Alaska ACLU hires Anchorage’s former first lady to further radical agenda
Climate change activist and abortion rights supporter Mara Kimmel is the new executive director of Alaska’s ACLU chapter. The hard-left organization issued an announcement on May 10. Kimmel is a well-known name in Anchorage’s liberal political circles.

Planned Parenthood’s Soldotna abortion mill to shutter May 31
The number of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in Alaska will drop by 25% when the company shutters its Soldotna abortion mill on May 31. Soldotna is one of four communities in Alaska where Planned Parenthood performs abortions. The others are Fairbanks,

Anchorage schools are overburdened with tasks unrelated to Three R’s
America’s founding fathers knew that our nation’s democratic-republic form of government requires educated citizens to be successful. I strongly support parental educational choice, but a strong successful public school system is also essential to

Alaskan Independence Party wants to repatriate entire Permanent Fund in silver
Voltaire famously said, “Fiat currency always eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” Last month, the Alaskan Independence Party voted in favor of a resolution calling for the full repatriation of the Permanent Fund, and into physical

Pro-abort, LGBTQ group recruits teens to push radical agenda in Homer schools
Homer teens are being actively recruited and trained by radical LGBTQ, pro-abortion and critical race theory activists to provide so-called “peer education” to their fellow students enrolled in the Kenai Peninsula School District. The trainings are

Anchorage must denounce Assembly’s scheme to oust Mayor Bronson
The hard-left majority which firmly controls the Anchorage Assembly is frustrated that voters chose to elect a strong conservative mayor last spring. Many Assembly members had actively campaigned for their fellow leftist Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar in his bid

Burial cloth of Christ? Shroud expert to discuss latest findings on Kenai radio show
The last 200 years has seen the Age of Faith, whose erosion began with the Renaissance, devolve into the Age of Science, to the point where science has no longer become merely science, but a replacement religion. Currently, it is quite a demanding religion as

Ignorance and lack of willpower allow abortion to continue in Alaska
The recent leak from the U.S. Supreme Court has left everyone in the type of confused limbo that creates a festering boil in our already cockamamie cultural morass. Let’s go into two directions, first with the leak that broke all protocols, decorum,