Rep. Eastman: The Left aims to silence those who oppose their shifting ideological whims
The plan for those who don’t subscribe to the ever-changing ideological orthodoxy of the Left hasn’t changed much since the days of Lenin. To dissent from its core dogmas is to lose your place in society. And because that orthodoxy is ever evolving, no

Sen. Hughes: Alaska’s Constitutional Convention Question is truly David vs. Goliath
Alaskans, I respectfully implore you to recognize that the flood of paid advertisements you’ve been hearing about a state constitutional convention may not be the whole story – and dare I say it is “spinning” the story to protect the power and wealth

OPINION: Alaska is in the midst of a great constitutional debate
Every 10 years the voters of Alaska have the chance to determine whether to open our state constitution up for changes. Our founders had the foresight to give us this option. “Defend Our Constitution,” the group using substantial amounts of dark

OPINION: A Christ-Centered Imperative
For several years now I have had a copy of Francis Schaeffer’s famous book from 1976 on my desk, more as a reminder to myself, than as an indicator of my faith to guests. His most famous work, ‘How should we then live?‘ is a treatise on

Formerly pro-life Bill Walker gets ‘full endorsement’ from radical pro-abortion group
Former Alaska Gov. Bill Walker, who for years claimed to be pro-life, has now finished his evolution into a radically pro-abortion candidate. Walker, who’s vying to become Alaska’s governor again, has gradually distanced himself from any meaningful

Why Alaska’s teachers union fears a constitutional convention
Alaska’s government funded education has enjoyed a long ride with very little competition from private schools. The results have proven disastrous with most Alaska children now considered below proficient in basic reading and math. Despite pumping

Rep. Carpenter: Alaskans must summon the courage to exercise our constitutional authority
Alaskans have been asking for justice from our judicial system for a long time. Too many Alaskans see the law applied to protect those with money and power but not those without. The simple truth is that Alaskans need a greater say in selecting judges to

With 29 Alaska judges on the ballot, only one vote matters
We’ve been inundated with questions about how to vote on the long list of 29 Alaska judges up for retention this year. Like past elections, there is precious little information about these men and women, and that’s by design. While the Alaska Judicial

Pro-life students visit thousands of Fairbanks homes to expose pro-abort Murkowski
By LAUREN MARLOWE – (Students for Life) There’s nothing pro-life about Senator Lisa Murkowski’s (R-AK) voting record as noted by the Pro-Life Generation during a recent activism trip last month. Murkowski is running for re–election to the U.S.

State Senate candidate Doug Massie says he doesn’t need to ‘grandstand’ on pro-life issues
Like many news outlets, the Alaska Watchman accepts political advertisements. For several weeks, incumbent Alaska State Senator Mike Shower ran a political ad on our website which stated that he was the “only pro-life candidate” in his race. At a recent